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Post blockage, can't eat -- in the hospital
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Veteran Member
Joined : Dec 2010
Posts : 3332
Posted 2/18/2014 10:06 AM (GMT -5)
Well, it's not been a good few days. On Sat night I started feeling nauseous after dinner. Threw up six times in the night. Went to the ER Sunday a.m (not trivial w/new snow). I was there all day, and they admitted me.
They put a Foley catheter in my stoma, and that seems to have worked ... lot of watery output, and the blockage seems cleared. But now I'm having acid reflux (never had before), and I'm starting to manage to drink fluids. I felt better yesterday morning, but when I ate some crackers and drank juice I felt a lot worse.
I have been out of the hospital for a while, forgot some how frustrating it is to get awakened so often in the night.... my BP was low, needed a new IV, etc.... nurse even woke me up to tell me he was upping my fluids....
So, I'm tired and cranky.... supposed to be going out of town for a family event this weekend, not sure I'll be up for it... sigh.
But I'm wondering if others have taken a while after a blockage for things to work again. I just feel crampy and sore (partly from the vomiting, probably from the blockage itself). Food does not appeal at all, not much liking the
gatorade either....
Docs seem divided on whether the issue here is an adhesion/kink in the bowel, food blockage, or both.... The adhesion thing is very scary..... my surgery was lapro, was hoping that wouldn't be an issue.
Appreciate your thoughts.
Veteran Member
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Posted 2/18/2014 10:40 AM (GMT -5)
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about
all of this. I can't offer much advice, since I've never dealt with a blockage or adhesion (knock on ALL the wood!), but it is something I worry about
often and know a lot of folks with ileos HAVE dealth with, and gotten past just fine. Hopefully one of them will be along soon to assure you that all is well. You said they aren't sure if it was a blockage or adhesions. Was there anything in your dinner that night that could be suspect? I guess for now all you can do is focus on resting up and planning for that trip this weekend...I think you'll make it! :)
Veteran Member
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Posted 2/18/2014 10:52 AM (GMT -5)
Thanks, UC what. No clear suspects in the food, but I was tired and stressed from work, and I ate too much and very well might have chewed too little.
Nurse just said that I don't have to eat to leave today, so that's good.... feeling a bit better as I keep pushing the fluids....
Elite Member
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Posted 2/18/2014 11:54 AM (GMT -5)
Sorry about
I can only speak about
Crohn's blockages, but a partial obstruction could leave me debilitated for a day or two. It sounds like you had a full obstruction, though, and I'm not surprised it's taking even longer to get over.
I hate to say it, but it most likely was caused by a kink/narrowing in the bowel: there is no food capable of blocking an otherwise healthy and normal width bowel. If I was in your shoes, I'd be wanting a bowel x-ray to see what was going on in there...
Hope it was just an unlucky one-off and you'll be okay after this... :-/
Veteran Member
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Posted 2/18/2014 1:24 PM (GMT -5)
Thanks, NCOT. The blockage was right behind my stoma, so that's not a normal width bowel. The resident deferred to the more senior surgeon, said he was right and it wasn't adhesions.
Veteran Member
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Posted 2/18/2014 6:02 PM (GMT -5)
I'm home.... all hail gatorade, even though I don't like the stuff (what they gave me).... once I got over the fear of drinking (since I was vomiting everything that went in my mouth a bit earlier), I was able to get more hydrated and I feel a lot better. Still don't want to eat, but the docs said my bowels are just stretched, sore, and spasming.
They said my esophogus is burned like a sunburn from all the vomiting, and it'll probably take about
5 days for it to get better.
Sigh, oh well.....just glad to be feeling better....
Veteran Member
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Posted 2/18/2014 6:59 PM (GMT -5)
I'm happy to hear you are back home and hopefully you get to feeling much better soon!
Veteran Member
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Posted 2/19/2014 11:12 PM (GMT -5)
Glad you are home! Blockages and adhesions are the devil!
When I had the adhesions two years ago, it took months for me to feel "right" when I ate. I was off all foods or liquids for 4 days and all foods for 7. So that was probably it and also I think it was partially mental. Anytime it was more than 2 hours without output I was freaking out!
Anyway I hope things continue to improve
Veteran Member
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Posted 2/20/2014 6:36 AM (GMT -5)
Thanks, Summer. There is definitely a mental part to this -- I find myself reluctant to have a particular kind of tea because I threw it up a few days ago, even though I know intellectually that the flavor of tea had nothing to do w/it.
Mine wasn't as severe are yours .... off foods/liquids for about
a day and food for three days. I ate some yesterday, and that went OK, just little bits of white things here and there. Got some sleep, which is good.
I had to cancel my trip -- no way I'm up for going on a plane in the winter etc, when I don't even know that I'll be up for going to work tomorrow. Really sad and disappointed last night, but trying to think of all the trips that have worked out since my surgery -- I have been able to do a lot of things I wanted to do, just not all of them......
Veteran Member
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Posted 2/20/2014 11:55 AM (GMT -5)
I'm so sorry about
you having too cancel your trip :(
I just wanted to pop on here and second the x-ray. Before my stoma died, I experienced a blockage right at the stoma. It cleared on its own. But a stoma nurse said that if it happens again, to call the surgeon's office. Well, it happened again but that was when my stoma had herniated and got pinched off causing the blockage. It then would unherniate and then reherniate. I had an unusual situation, but I just wanted to emphasize that getting it imaged is important.
Veteran Member
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Posted 2/20/2014 12:45 PM (GMT -5)
An x ray was almost the first thing they did when I got in the hospital. That showed a blockage, but it wasn't clear enough to see where, so I had a CT. I was a bit hesitant w/the Ct because I've had so many of them, and you get the equivalent of one to two years worth of background radiation in an abdominal CT, but I went along with it....
Your warning is helpful, though, Active. My partner was more hesitant about
going to the ER (well, partly because she had to shovel for an hour to get us out, and didn't want to do that at 3 am), but I was conscious that this could be something very bad, even though it probably wasn't... but it was more than something that would easily clear on its own. (we waited until it was light out, and it worked out....)
How are you doing now?
Veteran Member
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Posted 2/20/2014 5:15 PM (GMT -5)
I'm glad you went. My stoma went from red to purple to black in the period of four things can go bad quickly. If you aren't sure what's going on, it's worth it to go to the E.R.
I'm doing pretty well. My hydration/nutrition is good now (no more TPN). Only one stoma but it's pretty painful right now. My stoma is tiny though (like 5/8th and inch). Still get tired really easily but things are going up!
Veteran Member
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Posted 2/20/2014 5:24 PM (GMT -5)
Wow, that's so scary. Very glad you were alright and that things are on the upswing. Hope your stoma gets more comfortable!
Equestrian Mom
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Posted 2/21/2014 1:45 PM (GMT -5)
Wow so sorry to hear...glad you are home!!
Sending good wishes you feel better soon
Veteran Member
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Posted 2/22/2014 9:11 PM (GMT -5)
hey blue. sorry to hear about
that. but post blockage or partial blockage or whatever you had... can cause the intestines to be inflammed for awhile. That inflammation can cause pain. So you need to baby those intestines for a few weeks. Easy foods.
Also - watch out for that gatorade. Very sugargy and can definitely cause weird upper gi stuff.. like acid reflux. go for a true WHO electroylyte beverage for a few weeks - pedialyte, ceralyte, or jianas brothers oral rehydration salts.
also... I have been told they can't see kinks on normal xrays or CT scans. you would have to do a small bowel series. But if you just had a blockage behind the stoma and it cleared with sticking that straw in the stoma.. you should not worry about
future things. No need for that radiation. I mean really.. if it was adhesions... there ain't nothing going to be done about
that. If it was a kink.. they would ignore it as long as possible.. in hopes to avoid more surgery.
So just take a chill with the intestines for a few weeks. Tons of electroyloyte liquids and only gi soft foods.
hang in there.
Veteran Member
Joined : Dec 2010
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Posted 2/23/2014 9:39 AM (GMT -5)
Thanks, Liz. I am gradually getting better. Its been helpful to know it takes a while. My output is starting to thicken, and I don't think I'm dehydrated. Still keep waking up at 2 or 3 am feeling lousy, though. Last night I really didn't think I'd lost enough fluid to be dehydrated.... something about
what my intestines weren't or were doing, bit of pain.
How are you doing?
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