Posted 5/16/2014 9:25 AM (GMT -5)
Crohn's is the most common reason why people can't have an internal pouch. The j-pouch is constructed from the end of the small intestine, which is also where Crohn's usually occurs. UC patients do not have this problem, so they can have a j-pouch.
Certain Crohn's folks who have never had Crohn's of the small bowel or perianal/fistulizing disease may be eligible for a j-pouch or IRA. The latter stands for ileorectal anastomosis, which is where the ileum is connected to the rectum. UC patients can't have an IRA, because their rectums are always affected by disease; hence why they have a new 'rectum' made for them.
I'm not too familiar with other conditions, such as FAP, colon cancer and colonic inertia. I don't see why in theory most of them cannot have an IRA or j-pouch, but it depends on how much of the colon has been removed, whether or not the rectum has been removed, and the patient's general health. Colon cancer patients are more likely to have a colostomy than an ileostomy.