wow, Amanda, i am very impressed with you. College and two part time jobs. I could see how standing would be fatiguing and being with kids both fatiguing and possibly harmful to the stoma.
its good you can take online classes, what an amazing invention, isnt it? when you take exams do you have to be at the school?
I have taken the next month off. In the past week i could hardly work because every time i ate something i had to run to the bathroom. I am essentially on no meds (am on Uceris but its a joke for my colon) and just waiting for the surgery. In the last year plus i missed work, stuff with my kids, was in bed a lot, and suffered a bad complication of the colitis (which is why i am not going to jpouch). In july i was signed to a continuing education 3 day seminar but could not attend it as i had to be next to the restroom all the time and the prednisone wasnt working. Am now doing only online continuing education units.
this surgery could, after recuperation period, give you the strength you need to continue school, and work your jobs, or maybe find something else. Take your time, dont run ahead. and try to rest
i truly admire you dealing with this and with college and working. Sounds like you are an amazing young woman.
Good luck. May next week bring a new and improved change to both our lives.