Posted 3/11/2015 5:42 PM (GMT -5)
I have colonic inertia and many pelvic floor issues, prolapses. I had 2 rectal surgeries and 2 pelvic prolapse surgeries, all to no avail.
I continued to have almost no bowel movements with laxatives due to the rectum closing down on itself, which they called, anismus, and also intussusception.
It was debilitating and I lived in the bathroom. I could not even pass a simple fart or expel water.
My stomach would swell to the size of an 8 month pregnant woman. My poor children grew up basically without a proper mother.
I had test after test and surgery after surgery, including a hysterectomy because my uterus also had fallen. Nothing helped and if anything only made matters worse.
I finally gave up and had the total colectomy with ileostomy. My life was completely changed. No more bathroom acrobats. No more prolapses. I wish I would have done this in the first place.
Am I cured and perfect? No, I'm not, because I'm riddled with adhesions from too many unnecessary surgeries. But, I'm 100 times better than I was pre-ileostomy.
The bag is nothing to be scared of and it has given me a life I never thought I could have. I'm no different then anybody else. I work and have a job. My bag doesn't stop me from doing anything. But the constipation and pelvic prolapses and pelvic floor dysfunctions stopped me from doing everything.