Posted 3/16/2015 4:01 PM (GMT -5)
As a young man living with an ostomy, Iv realize there are many things that make it much easier.
First of all the type of pouch and flange are important. I prefer opaque lock and roll pouches as you will never lose the clamp. I buy my.pouches online at bestbuyostomy. but since I'm canadian they charge us double for the supplies! So I have a shipping address just over the border, ship months worth of supplies there saving a few hundred dollars then take a 4 hours out of a day to pick then all up at once. I use a shipping address aT CBI in niagara falls which charges me 6 dollars per package.
When buying the pouches in this way it is much easier to afford the pouches that you really want.
Some.people may also consider off of eBay from people who don't need.them anymore. Just.make.sure they are still sealed and not near expiry.
Now the most important advice I can offer.... Buy a support belt.from stealth belt. They are about 100 dollars but will.change your life. bag will always be secured sitting sideways and not flopping around. Sex is much more comfortable without a.bag flopping in the way. And most of all makes it easier to hide your bag, even.with your shirt off!
Now I know diet is gonna be different for.everyone. But for me I avoid popcorn and.limit the amount of salad at one.time.
Ate a full salad for.dinner and.ended up in.the hospital for a week with a blockage...
When you first get an.Ostomy, just be careful with high fibre meals. Chew your food very well and test the waters before you dive into a salad or.bag of.popcorn.
For.changing the bag I usually keep my.flange and bag week, rinsing.out.the bag every day in.the shower.
Also use a.slim eakin.seal underneath flange as I found.this makes.the flange last longer. Eakin.seals are expensive though, but I'd rather pay the few dollars over changing.the flange more.often.
When bathroom I empty the bag.and quickly flush. Then I roll the toilet paper around my hand about two times. take it off, roll it.up more and clean outside of bag then inside. Then do again to clean up inside a little more before closing bag up into the pouch. Then flush again.
If anyone has better ways of emptying and cleaning.pouch I'd be glad to hear.
Sometimes the smell is unbearable when emptying the pouch. for this reason if you work or go to school I would suggest getting the liquid drops that eliminate smell and put them in beforehand. And maybe bring.the bottle with you.
Finally.I might suggest making a second.and.third belt are good with sewing. Just copy.the first belt you buy. If.not I would suggest buying a.second belt.
Because once you get.use to.always wearing.the.belt it.will be hard to go without it.
So if it gets poopy, you will be ready with a backup.
Also don't.forget to.bring.your emergency bag with you!
Ps. Sorry about the random periods.