Posted 7/1/2015 11:22 PM (GMT -5)
Thanks for all the responses! I would love to get this mystery solved and not have the night time leak worry always looming...
@Eva Lou~I think output pancaking around the stoma is a possibility for sure, but it's hard to tell exactly what goes wrong since by the time I wake up it's just a big mess! I do know that my output can often be thick enough to get stuck though...and I also sleep on my side in hopes that will help somewhat. I think a big part of the problem is that my stoma shrinks A LOT when I lay down, which is why I use the convex inserts. It gets to where it is almost flush with my skin, so at that point when output comes out it is right up against where the stoma and wafer meet, which I'm sure wears it down more quickly. I have both Brava strips and Sure Seals, and while they don't stop leaks, both have done very well at least containing leaks in the past. Problem is, my skin isn't very fond of either product, so I only use them on rare occasions. I wonder if I could just wear them at night and then remove in the morning without also peeling my wafer off. Hmmmm??
@Caren~ A lot of the exercises I do are just standard stuff....different variations of crunches, planks, oblique twists...and other bodyweight exercises like lunges/squats etc...that use the core along with other muscle groups. My GO TO website for workout programs is Fitness Blender. I've used them to east back into exercising after 2 surgeries and to get in better shape before my last surgery. You can do all videos for free, or pay a very small fee to get pre planned workout programs. I really like the low impact program after my last surgery and plan on buying the core program next. I too worry about hernias, and eventhough I DO have a hernia prevention belt, I'm pretty dumb about not wearing it all the time. I really need to get better about that. That said, I do pretty intense cardio, intervals, body weight and even dumbbell work up to 30 pounds at a time...and so far so good!
@Sunny~ Was the turtleneck a special kind of wafer, or something she put on in addition to your wafer? I would be curious to see how it works...I wonder if my stoma would get stuck inside something like that when it shrinks down, or if it might help keep output from getting in between the seal when it DOES shrink. Heck, maybe that's not even my problem! Do the Convatec wafers you use have the convexity built right in? For mine I have to use an insert and wonder if I might be better off with ones that are truly convex on their own. I hope you are doing well!