Posted 9/18/2015 10:06 AM (GMT -5)
I had the same concerns when I flew with it for the first time in March. The altitude and cabin pressure appeared to have zero affect on the bag. It didn't blow up or anything.
Regarding TSA, heading out I called the TSA Cares line, got all these instructions to declare the ostomy and go in the special "medical" line, and was assured they had plenty of experience. That was a mistake. The agents had no idea what an ostomy was, what my concerns were, anything. They weren't suspicious or hostile, just confused and inept. They ended up waving me through, barely checking me. Coming home I decided to just empty the bag right before getting in the security line. I didn't say a word about it to the TSA and I just walked through like everyone else and they never said anything. So, I'd concur with the other posters. Don't bother saying anything to TSA. (Empty beforehand though.) Both times I had my supplies in my carry-on, including scissors (which are allowed if length is less than 4 inches), and nothing was said.