Posted 12/15/2015 1:36 PM (GMT -5)
Aint this the life? Having to sit around worrying and wondering whether or not our pouches are going to leak? I went for years wearing Hollister Karaya pouches and could waer them 3 days with no problems no matter how hard I worked (splitting woods, working a raNCH- lifting bales of hay, carrying firewood etc- all very physical work in high heat)- then Hollister started getting sloppy constructing them- the karaya was not glued to the pouch as well as they used to be- I even documented the difference, send back defective pouches where you could see daylight between the karaya and pouch where it wasn't glued down tight- and they DENIED there was a problem- flat out denied it0- despite me sending back pouches with arrows drawn on them pointing right to the problem areas- Called them many times- and still they kept denying it saying "We're not getting many complaints- therefore... it's just you' basically implying that-
Some boxes would be ok, most however were not- entire boxes would be defective- I tried everything- even using super glue to try to glue the karaya to the plastic belt ring- nothing worked- the pouches would leak between the karaya ring and the plastic ring of the pouch
Switched to flexwear pouches, they worked fine (but could only get 1 day out of them) and wore them for years- then they go and completely change the wafer- unreal! No warning, no nothing. New flexwear does not stick nearly as well as old one- I called them and they told me the wafer ingredients were the same- I asked 'if they are the same, why do they not stick like the old wafer did?" and the woman's answer was 'There could be many reasons- everyone is different' (unbelievable)
I've gained a little weight now, it seems ot be causing a problem with the skin not beign flat enough htrough the day and causing the barrier seal to lift in two spots (on either side of the ileostomy)- I know have to go through the day trying not to lean forward when sitting, laying back in chairs to try to keep skin from folding too much, and I have to worry every day now whether or not the seal is going to leak or not- and have to go to bed each night worrying whether I'll wake up I na mess (so far the seals have held- but just barely, they are leaking underneath them almost to the edge of the seal- For 35 years I never had such issues- now apparently My life has changed to one where I just never know what's going to happen- no more confidence in pouch- I used to have compelte confidence before- I only ever had about 4 blowouts in 35 years and those were because of extreme physical activity where I pushed the pouch too far)
Trying an eakin seal today- but I've not had luck with them in past- now I have to worry all day whether it's leaking, and going to sleep tonight, if it makes it that far, is going to be nerve wracking
Enough of my issue- I found for 35 years that Hollister medical adhesive, applies both to skin around stoma, and on pouch seal, would help the pouch to stick to skin long enough for the seal to begin melting to skin (karaya would melt more than flexwear of course)- never had issues with pouches sticking when using medical adhesive- I would occasionally have issues when I didn't use the spray adhesive- the seals without adhesive spray never stuck well to my skin- with the spray- it used to always stick very well- now not so much for some unknown reason at this point
I sued Hollister spray on my skin- on Eakins seal where it sticks to skin, on top of the eakin seal where it attached to pouch, and on pouch seal (sounds like a lot, but it's very thin layers)
We'll see how it works- I have my doubts- didn't have luck with Eakins before- kindal ong story- but basically had to have nurse put one on after a sigmoidascope test blew out the seal- and woke up from anesthesia with a huge mess- got home, and the eakin seal failed miserably- been reluctant to try them again- but have no choice now0- this time I used spray adhesive so we'll see what happens