My bad. Somehow a 'p' slipped into the end of the URL which shouldn't have been there. Hopefully this link will work.'m trying to drink more and indeed I almost have to because the dehydrated feeling gets so unpleasant otherwise (but my urine isn't dark yellow/brown and my skin springs back when pinched, so it can't be severe dehydration). It's not just water you need to drink more of as well; you also need to think about
electrolytes. I'd like to find out what that rehydration solution in the study contained - seems to be just a water and salt mixture, but it doesn't go into any detail.
I've thought about
buying some electrolyte drops and adding them to my drinks. I usually stay away from supplements, because that's a bottomless well of money I can't afford to go down, but I do think I need to start taking my hydration (and bone health, but that's another issue) more seriously.
I haven't had time to read this article properly, but it looks interesting.