Posted 5/8/2017 7:37 AM (GMT -5)
Well, I don't have a stoma anymore but how I tackled suspected blockages isn't much different to now. Basically, stop eating, drink plenty of hot liquids, lie down and search for a position which relieved the pain and gently massage my stomach to try to get things moving. A shower with water as hot as you can bear it and the jet aimed at the painful area can also help. In general heat on the affected area is soothing. If I'm lying down on the sofa I sometimes place a cup of hot tea on my abdomen. But if you're prone to nodding off, deffo don't do that.
I'm not sure if taking the Milk of Magnesia is a good idea. Seems to me anything which is a laxative may just make the pain and bloating worse.
Unfortunately having a stoma doesn't stop blockages from happening - I wish it did :/ That said, with a colostomy you should have more wiggle room for eating fibrous, indigestible stuff than somebody with an ileostomy, just because the stoma is that much bigger. If it keeps on happening I would get tested for Crohn's, just in case it's inflammation which is causing a narrowing.