Posted 12/20/2018 2:46 PM (GMT -5)
My surgeon told me that most (male) ostomates are always going to be prone to hernias. the actual stoma itself is a hernia so to speak.
Mine was an 'inguinal hernia' which she had to repair about ten months after my op.
The inguinal canal is the main opening at the groin which allows all the main tubes, nerves etc from the lower abdomen into the pelvic floor muscle. This is a logical 'escape' for the small intestine to want to burst through, so repairs can effected by placing a plastic mesh screen to thwart it.
I think it may happen again on the opposite groin as I've had a chest infection for about two months and a lot of COUGHING which plays havoc trying to rearrange all that length of intestine seemingly crammed into a small cavity.
You can't do a lot about it either, I asked her if abdominal exercises would help strengthen the abdominal wall but she said no. In other words having a prize 6-pack wouldn't make you less likely to have a hernia.
Sorry if this isn't the answer you were looking for, but good luck with it 3timechamp and hope you don't need it.
Btw, the hernia repair was one day surgery and quite innocuous, took a few weeks to recover if it's any consolation!