Hi Girls!
So sorry it's been awhile since I've posted but have had some serious family issues and have been extremely busy with school work, haven't been going to bed much before 11:30 each night and am usually up by 4:30/4:45. Family issues are better, am very thankful; and no Marissa things definitely DON"T get easier when they become 18! Believe it or not, our problems actually started at 19!
Have been having increased kidney & pain radiating from the kidney towards the bladder. Dr wanted tech to check for urine flow during scheduled ultrasound. Explained this as well as what she would find with kidney (fullness, deformity) she was a little arrogant at first until I told her that the daVinci machince that is now used in her hospital, my dr trained most of the drs to use it and then she goes "Oh, You seem to know a lot about the kidney." Then she showed & told me everything that was on the screen. Good news, the ureter is open!!!! bad news,possibly: she said at the end, tube is open, kidney is full and stone is there! I almost FREAKED out on her!!!!!! I said I don't have any stones & she said yea you do it's right here. She even did another scan and had another tech come in to check. So I called my dr, he was very excited tube was open but when I said there was a stone he said he wants to check my last CT because it's more accurate and he's been through every tube in my kidney with a telescope. So that's where I'm at! I didn't hear from him today so I'll text him tomorrow. Until then trying to stay POSITIVE!!!!!
Allie-First off, I'm a teacher and would NEVER trade it for any other profession in the world!!!!!! Don't have any problem with the GI issues though it WAS a major problem before my surgery as I missed approx. 180 days of work in less than 4 yrs and when you're teaching that's not a good thing; was always in the ER, had 6 different GIs, many procedures and surgeries until my final one in 08. Haven't had any complications due to that surgery at all!:)
As for the bladder, had severe spasms which made the whole pelvic area hurt and NO medication helped; the more movement I did the worse they were. The spasms could be in the bladder or tubes so unless your urologist is checking all areas you might have restrictions elsewhere (tubes) causing you bladder problems.
Janie-Hope you are feeling better; I had lots of nausea with uti. Have you tried zofran? I always have to take it now whenever I have any illness, every since I've had pancreatitis and stomach issues. Hugs girl:)
Lizzie-Hugs & Love always
Tracy-Hope you are feeling ok. The wisdom teeth are a PITA but one more thing gone-YAY!!!!!
Sarah-so sorry that you haven't found good drs to help you yet, but there are some out there, don't give up. Someone WILL help YOU! There was a girl on here named Shmuel that had an internal bladder pouch that she emptied every 3 hours. She later had a colectomy. She isn't on here anymore bc due to other complications found during her surgery. I haven't spoken to her in awhile but if you want I can try to get ahold of her for some info for you. If I'm unable to get ahold of her though due to health reasons, I do know she had her bladder surgery somewhere in California. I also know my urologist trained under drs in that state so I could ask him.
I'm going to run out of battery soon & I don't want to lose what I just wrote so I hope to get a chance to write more this weekend.
Miss all of you, always thinking of you & praying for you,
Peace, healing & prayers,