Sorry to hear about
your First Blowout. I've only had one in 4 years, and it happened in the middle of the night, too. My husband's response was, "It's okay, $h*t happens." That cracked me up at a time when I didn't feel like laughing!
I know how great it feels to be able to eat again and agree with everyone's comments about
having a larger lunch and smaller dinner and avoiding foods that might cause gas before bedtime. Another thing to consider is that carbonated beverages cause gas, too. I don't know if you drink soda or beer, but you might want to have iced tea or water instead. You could also set an alarm to go off after 4-5 hours of sleeping, so you get up to empty and let the air out. The gas will subside over time.
So, that was your first shower au naturelle? Not bad, huh? I think it feels great to have the wafer off for 15 minutes or so and to clean the skin around the stoma on wafer changing days.
How's your baby doing? I remember when your wife was pregnant and you were talking about
having surgery, so that you could be a healthy husband and father! I'm sorry the j-pouch didn't work out for you, but hey, you tried. I hope you're feeling good now with the ileo.
Just remember, it's okay, $h*t happens!