Posted 7/18/2011 11:40 AM (GMT -5)
Hi All,
I haven't posted recently, but I do visit the site daily for inspiration to keep me going.
I have colonic inertia and some mild pelvic floor dyssynergia. I have been through the whole gamut of testing and everything at UNC Chapel Hill, met with a surgeon, and he said surgery "made sense" now, and he basically gave me his card and told me to call if/when I was ready to schedule it.
I decided to get a second opinion because my parents wanted me to and because I didn't get those warm fuzzy feelings from the surgeon I was hoping for. I'm sure he would do a good job but I decided to seek out a second opinion from a female surgeon at Duke University.
I asked my motility doctor to refer me to this other surgeon for a second opinion, so she contacted the surgeon who told her she wanted all of my records to review to determine if she could assist me. It took a few weeks for her to review my records but I finally got paperwork in the mail confirming that I have an appointment with her on August 5th.
Here is my current issue: The days feel as if they are dragging by SO slowly, I feel like August 5th will never get here. I feel worse every day. I am young, turning 25 in August, but I spend every day the same way. I wake up, try as best as I can to "acclimate" to how bad my stomach feels that day, and then I spend the day loafing around trying to keep my mind occupied. I watch tv, clean, refill the bird feeder...sometimes I even plan my whole day around running a very pointless errand like going to the grocery store. It is so depressing. I went shopping with my mom this weekend and I was so exhausted (from doing nothing!) that I was walking several steps behind her the whole time. I have been moody and mean to my family and I feel terrible, I feel like I never have anything to say to anyone. I cry a lot. I feel like I am so overcome by all of this that my brain is only working enough to go through the motions of the day. I know a huge part of it is because I am waiting for this appointment, and not knowing what the surgeon will say is driving me crazy. I am praying she will say surgery is an option because then I will have two surgeon's opinions and that will make my family feel much better about going through with it, but still, the worry is there that she will have a completely different opinion and then I am back to square one.
I was wondering, do any of you have some advice for how to get through these couple of weeks until my appointment? Does anyone else ever have bad days (or weeks) like this? And how do you get through it?