Alright so quick sidenote. I have had crohns for most of my life and got an Ostomy in 2010. I had my rectum and anus removed at the same time and it has not healed all the way. After trying a bunch of traditional methods it's healing very very slowly.
I had talked to a friend of a friend back in December who had the reversal surgery. His stoma site wasn't healing very well so they gave him growth hormone shots. It ended up closing up within 6 weeks he said.
I really didn't know much about it so I didn't really do research on it until my brother mentioned it. He knows quite a bit about health and muscle building so he suggested the idea of HGH (Human growth hormone). He basically explained about how being on so much prednisone steroids for so long, it shuts down the gland that produces it. Well he told me that in some crohns patients it doesn't make enough to heal properly. I did some reading on the internet and read a few case studies where it was successful in non healing wounds.
I had an appointment with my doctor on Friday and asked him about this. Now he's pretty pessimistic when it comes to out of the normal ideas that they have been using in the hospitals (ie: anything other than just dressing it). He actually sounded really interested in this idea. He said to give him a few weeks to do some research and will let me know at my next appointment in a few weeks.
Anyone know anything about this kind of treatment?