Hi, I have quite a long history thus far so i'll start from the beginning.
In March 2001 I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, it was initially very poorly controlled. After a number of years it appeared to go into remission. In 2009 problems raised there ugly head again and I commenced medication (steroids, mesalazine) In 2011 after being messed about
by my Gp I eventually had a scope my a consultant gastroenterologist. The results of this showed rectal carcinoma, following scans it was believed to have spread to my lymph nodes in and around the groin, but no where else! Phewey!
I then have five weeks of daily radiotherapy and chemo, my surgeon suggested that I have my entire colon removed a temp loop illeostomy and a j pouch created in surgery 1. This surgery went ahead on 15th dec 2011. After being discharged I returned to hospital with temperatures and a rectal discharge. I have been in and out of hospital for 10 months after I developed recurrent abdominal collections and then abcesses behind the j pouch all of this obviously delayed my reversal. After 10 months of this and after developing hydronephrosis of the kidney I decided to bite the bullet and have the j pouch removed hoping this would cure the abcesses and infection. This surgery took place on the 28th September I stayed in hospital for two weeks. My surgeon removed everything but left by bottom
open as there was a cavity that could drain further mucus. Within a few days I was back with rectal discharge, the smell was worse than ever! I had a further eua and washout, I left hospital and initially felt ok for a few days however the discharge is back along with the temperatures I've been in touch with my surgeon and he has suggested I wash out the cavity at home with some normal saline and a bladder syringe to see if this helps.
Has anyone else had a similar experience? How long do this cavities usually take to close? My surgeon won't commit to any sort of time. It's very frustrating and the pain in the rectum is so painful at times, I can't sit on my bottom for a long period of time due to pain. I am very weak and weigh 39 kg. I hope these home washouts help, my life has been on hold since the first surgery! Thanks in advance