Posted 11/4/2013 3:36 PM (GMT -5)
Hi all,
So, I've had my loop for 5 months, and I'm currently awaiting takedown. I know I shouldn't expect to feel particularly well, and I don't, though I'm functioning at about 75% right now. I am starting to have some weird things piling up though, so thought I'd put it out there and see if anyone has any thoughts.
Fatigue. Pretty chronic. Definitely worse when I lose track of my fluid intake and blow it. This is a known quantity and my own fault.
Cramping, indigestion, loss of appetite. These seem to be getting worse over the past few weeks. At first my appetite was pretty good, but nowadays I can barely get through an appetizer-sized meal without feeling full to the point of nausea and bloating. Almost everything I eat makes me feel nauseated for a while afterwards (not enough to barf, but just queasy). I also get some cramping in my lower abdomen, and this morning I actually woke up with a stomach ache, except it wasn't my stomach.
So, this is a collection of little annoying things. I have an appointment with my surgeon in a few weeks, and I plan to run this stuff by him. I'm just worried that there could be something brewing that might compromise my viability for takedown, and I wouldn't want that to happen. I don't even know if it's possible, actually. I'd just like to know if all this stuff is in the realm of "normal" or "expected" for this stage of things.
So please, group, if you have any wisdom on this, it would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks. kc.