You've got quite a unique circumstance!
It's recommended for us to empty our pouches when it's 1/3 full for a few reasons:
- a full bag can be uncomfortable, especially when it's tugging at the skin.
- full bags have more of a tendency to "blow out", which is to say, cause a major leak.
- full bags can contribute to wafer erosion and could shorten your wear time.
If these aren't issues, then there's no reason to be concerned. Your stoma us use to having stool touching it, so "festering" in it shouldn't really cause any problems.
I have an ileostomy, not a colostomy, but it's my understanding that colostomates tend to only empty their pouch maybe once or twice a day (like regular bowel movements), but this can depend on how much colon is left. We tend to have more output after surgery as our body learns to adapt, so what you are describing sounds normal to me.
Use the m9 drops in your pouch after it's emptied. It might help to put some M9 in the pouch when a new appliance is put on you.
Good luck!