Thanks, Dan. Your information about
food restrictions is encouraging. A source entitled "Medslook" begins with a headline 'Azilect (stomch, liver, and heart problems - alcohol caffeine interaction.')
According to the article, one MUST NOT EAT air dried meats or aged meats; sausage or salami; pickled herring; red wine or beer from a tap; aged cheeses including bleu, brick, brie, cheddar, gruyere, parmesan, and swiss. These and OTC medicines contain TYRAMINES and can raise blood pressure to dangerous levels which could cause life threatening side effecs - like death.
Lastly, Azilect can cause side effects that may impair thinking and reactions.
Perhaps what I found gave rise to my apprehension over taking Azilect and my reason for seeking information. Your experiences seem to raise exceptions to food restrictions.
Maybe,like many drugs, the disclaimer is to cover their backside. We've all seen and heard medication commericials which left us thinking the drug side effects are worse than the disease symptoms
I hope I answered your question