BizChick said...
I agree that you should see a motion disorder specialist. My beginnings were very similar to yours & alot of the same symptoms including not having any tremors (just twitching). I now get the vibration sensation on my tongue only--used to be in my head. It took 4 years to diagnose me. I am relatively young as well. You might be interested in checking out a Young Onset PD support group in your area. I found a lot of similarities with symptoms of group members. Sorry I have to keep my reply short & sweet because it's difficult to type.
Sorry for the late reply... things have been hectic and stressful lately and I forgot to check the board.
I called recently to see about
getting an appointment with a movement disorder specialist, and was told by the receptionist/whoever that I needed to be referred by my PC. The problem is, I don't have one. So I'm currently trying to find a MDS who will see me without a referral. It's tougher than I thought it would be.
I'm sorry to keep posting questions, but I don't want to worry about
the possibility of having PD unless I have good reason.
I have quite a bit of muscle stiffness, especially on my left side. It stays "tensed up" almost ALL the time, starting about
10 minutes after I get out of bed or so. My left arm barely moves because it's so tensed up all the time. When I realize that it's tensed, I try to force myself to relax it, and I can to a degree, but it always ends up tensing up again. It's almost as if my left arm is in a constant state of "defensiveness" or something... it just refuses to stay relaxed.
Does that sound anything like what some of you have experienced, as far as stiffness goes? Are you or were you able to relax the muscles if you tried?
Again, sorry for asking so many questions, and thank you all for all your help.