Posted 1/17/2018 4:51 PM (GMT -5)
My dad has Parkinson's, this is his second fall breaking his left hip now right hip in just a little over a year. He arrived at a different nursing home/rehab on Monday from the hospital after 1 week in the hospital. Today I got a horrible call from my mom stating that my dad was being hateful and wanted to talk to me. I called him and all he did was yell, saying I want out of here come get me. I want to die, I will break my neck, if you don't come I don't want to talk to you ever again. Yes it hurt to hear him say these things, I tried reasoning with him telling him its not his time to die, to work his legs so he can go home, but to no avail, after taking to him and crying for hours I get another call saying they are taking him back to the hospital as they cannot handle him, he is fighting the nurses, refuses to take his meds won't eat, I just don't know what to do. Please understand I live 9 hours away and work. I am the closest child in travel time. Help please