Yes, I've been wearing one since the 1st day someone gave me one about 2 years ago. Since then I can't remeber how many I've bought and handed out to friend, family and coworkers. I buy them 20 at a time from US TOO, a good cause as we all know. Unfortunatly a lot of folks I gave them to don't wear them, you can't forse them. But my wife and two sons (both in the Navy) wear them every day. I found some at one of the sites that say "DO IT FOR DAD!" which my boys wear. When ever I see them after not seeing them for a while and they have them on, I almost cry! I do the same w/ Lance Armstrong yellow bands, buy lots and give them out. People seem to wear those a lot more than the PC bands, I guess they are more in vogue. But the way I see it, yellow is better than nothing.
Your friend,