Sorry to hear the news. I think the day my father got the call regarding the pathology report was the worst day of our lives. It felt like we had made it through the surgery, which we thought would be the worst part, and we all came out of surgery so hopeful. The call from the surgeon devastated us all.
I will say that our entire family handled the news differently. My father said he wasn't doing anything else. (Mind you, this is while he still had in his catheter and was a week post op). I jumped into action reading everything I could, which became an unhealthy obssession. My mom broke down. My husband, who happens to be a doctor, really managed to stay positive. God bless him. Cancer was taking over all of our lives and not for the good. You asked for positive news right...well..I am happy to tell you that my dad has recovered extremely well from the surgery. He is on his second month of Lupron and doing very well. He is scheduled to begin radiation within a month and we are holding on to the hope that he will be in the group that beats this thing for good. We had an amazing talk of cancer and have all regrouped mentally and have united as a family for round two. None of us want to be here, but we have options. As previous posters have mentioned, we are so lucky that radiation and HT is an option. My dad will be the first to tell you that they are not the most glamourous options, BUT, they are better than the alternative. You can do this and know that you have a family here supporting you.
P.S. My last note from experience....the doctors will tell you different things, get all the information you can, make a decision and don't look back. Peace be with you.