Selmer said...
KC9AOP, Great results. What a relief for you after all these days/weeks of concern.
I can only imagine how you feel.
Yes, there is no rush now, so give your prostate a few months to calm down before retesting. Then I think you should go back and read the thread you first started.
Several suggestions there to calm any inflammation down, both from bacterial prostatitis or from non-bacterial inflammation. Either one could have given you a 4.0+ result. Take steps to lower any possible other cause of the higher PSA...
Remember in your first thread you said the following...
" I've been reading about prostaitis and I do have virtually all of the symptoms right now. That does not really exempt me from the possibility of cancer, but may be the reason for my high PSAs today. Who knows?"
In a few months, it will be most interesting if you will report back your next PSA test result.
Aside from that, having had the scare you have, and with your family history, I'd think you'd be primed to begin following all the lifestyle changes you could.
At your age you have years to go to stall or slow any potential PCa.
There are many many things you can do that "might" benefit your situation.
I'd suggest you allow this brush with diagnosis to motivate you to explore those options. Thats what I am doing although I am a decade older but still with a fairly low PSA. I won't give any specifics now, but thats where my efforts are currently.
Thanks for all of the kind words and wisdom Selmer. I'm at a different point in the "prostate health" journey right now. I don't really even know what my next steps could be. I've not investigated prostate health yet, but the links from HW I'm sure will take me to good references.
I will be sure to reread the thread I started. I do tend to pour over them again just to be sure that I did not miss some nuance.
With Dad and Uncle both having PCa I will be on high alert
from now on. This was a wake up call to be sure. At the very least annual check of PSA, or maybe even an annual physical like I should be doing anyway. Who knows, maybe this whole event will bring me to a place where I will take better care of myself? Perhaps I'll catch something else that I would not have if this event did not happen in my life. I know the "Big Guy" has the plan and maybe this is the message I needed right now.
At any rate I won't be a complete stranger here. If I can help anyone who found HW the way that I did, I'm all for it! Having had the experience of the diagnostic and biopsy, etc. I know I can help calm the fear of the unknown for others. It may also be a relief that at least someone on the board got a clean bill of health.
And I feel like a stranger using my login name (my ham radio call sign by the way). My name is Jim.
Thanks to everyone again!