Posted 10/18/2008 12:02 PM (GMT -5)
My first post-op visit with the Urologist was at about the one-month point, and I have an additional visit scheduled for three months out - in December. Because my Urologist is also a researcher with a grant from various federal government agencies, I was asked to complete a large questionnaire. I filled-out the same questionnaire when I was examined by the Physician's Assistant in the Urologist's office two-weeks after surgery and I'm led to believe I'll be filling that thing out each time I visit his office.
In addition to examining the incisions used in the da Vinci processd (no clothes had to be removed, just shirt pulled-up and pants down a little) the Urologist asked me questions about how I was feeling, etc. I discussed after-effects of the surgery, primarily the incontenence and he explained what I might expect to happen in the months ahead. I discussed what activity levels I could assume, my work schedule, etc., etc. It was a nice talk and session that lasted less than 30-minutes. The Physician's Assistant was with me for about 1/2 hour prior to the Urologist joining us, and she did a lot of the paperwork and explained many things to answer questions I had - thus the time with the Urologist was more concentrated and that discussion was for things unresolved with the PA.
I also had blood drawn for a CBC and PSA test - oh, yea - and I gave some urine for a test.