Just went to Doc for 6 month PSA and thankful to receive a non-dectable. The reason I am writing is to see if anyone knows or can direct me to info on injections. The Doc gave me a prescript
ion for Caverject Impulse, which I have since found out is temporarily not available. The druggest seem to look at me as if I was from outer space as though this stuff has never been prescribed before. I keep hearing talk about
bimix, trimix, edex, etc.. Where do you find these? Do they come via prescript
ion? Do you get them through your local druggest, or order in a brown box from a 3rd world country. What is best?
I know this place is the best place to come for info....thanks in advance.
Age 61
Original data - pre-operation
PSA: 5.1
T1C clinical diagnosis, Needle biopsy - 10 cores, Gleason 7 = 3+4 in 1 core (40%), 7 cores Gleason 6 = 3+3 ranging from 5% to 12%
All scans negative
Lupron administered 4/9/2008 for 4 months (with idea I would undergo external beam radiation followed by seed implants - then I changed my mind).
Robotic DiVinci surgery - Dr. Fagin (Austin) May 19th
Post operative - pathology
pT2c NX MX
Gleason 3+4
Margins - negative
Extraprostatic extension - negative
seminal vesicle invasion - uninvolved
1st Post PSA <.04
2nd Post PSA <.01 10/30/2008