The following links were sent to me by Kathy Meade ~ Thank you again Kathy!
The Prostate Cancer Foundation (, the USA's largest prostate cancer fundraiser and information group, held a summit at Lake Tahoe last month. Some of the sharpest PCa researchers were present and speaking with the very latest prostate cancer research information. The links I will list will have some great information. In addition, if you are so inclined, you can watch any and all of the breakout sessions and speakers. This will take me a month, but I wanted to share it with you all. There are updates on current trials, proposed new trials, updated statistics on the effects of the different treatment modalities and much more. Have fun and good reading...
Read highlights from the 2008 retreat
Watch the 2008 presentations
Keynote Address by Mike Milken ~ 1 hour
The 2008 summit has a keynote address by Milken. it starts talking about todays economy, then tails into prostate cancer. Mike is a great speaker and an extremely intelligent financier. He also has survived stage 4 prostate cancer for 16 years, started the Prostate Cancer Foundation, is a board memeber of ZERO - The Prosject to End Prostate Cancer, has rounded up billions in PCa research. He is a dedicated philanthropist. I had met him in 1982 and remember it well. Too bad I didn't listen to him. lol. His speech is very interesting!