Hi all thought I would share some good news. no more pads! Tossed away this week, I was only having slight leaks prior now nothing even when I sneeze. Not bad for a guy almost 70. I spoke with the doctor yesterday and he fills the bladder leak and lymphocele will resolve on their own and to just be patience with the frequent urinating since there is a mass pressing on my bladder and making it smaller so holds less. He said it happens often when lymph nodes are removed but most times no serious symptoms are displayed so they are not report and go away on their own. So if some of you are going every 1 or 2 hours this could be the problem. He said they prefer not to drain if it is not infected or causing pain because I am doing so well on the continence issue they do not want to risked infection. Said they will follow up with CT scans every three months until resolved so sounds like a while.
Great news Jerry, you are way ahead of the recovery curve for sure.
I read your history and don't think I have ever seen the word angiolymphatic invasion. I often thought angio meant heart. Anyway what is that?
Keep up the good recovery.
Thanks LV for the explanation to Frank's question it can be confusing trying to read these reports especially when you see anything that says positive but Dr told me all cancer was contained and he removed all lymph nodes and they were all negative. So I hope for the best.
Thanks again