Posted 2/4/2009 8:51 AM (GMT -5)
First of all, brother, welcome to our brotherhood. Glad you been lurking, glad you decided to join. As usual, we are sorry you need to be here, but glad you found us.
What I detect, and it is most normal, is a continuation of the fear/anxiety that is expected with any cancer dx, let alone PCa. You are a young (for PC) happily married father of 3 in great physical shape. And then blam, you get hit with this thing. It's not something you just get over with simple mind power, and we sure wouldn't want you to dig a hole and go into denial about it.
The good news is right in front of you. Low PSA to start with, a Gleason 6 before and after surgery, good pathology report, and a great post surgery PSA test. For someone with PC that just had surgery, you are doing pretty darn good.
I drive my wife crazy with my speculations about new pains and aches and weird feelings. But fortunately, in my case, she's a very experienced nurse, and hears stuff from her patient's all day. She listens well, and then determines if my imagination is getting in the way. Thankful for that voice of reason.
Plus, you are still recovering from a major operation, doesn't matter if it were robotic or open like mine, that alone puts the body and mind under a lot of stress. Some feel that a full recoup doesn't take place till about the one year mark, of course that would be different for each person depending on their overall health and situation.
What you need to do, and I am learning this too ,is to get back to the land of the living. Enjoy your lovely wife and family, your girls. Do the things you like doing pre-surgery and pre-PC. Not always easy to do, I know, but you have to keep trying. I wish I had our age difference, it might have made my recovery a bit easier along the way.
You are doing well brother, it sucks that you got hit out of the clear blue with PCa, but you did, and you have been dealing with it the best you can. To answer your last question about making it to 70, no way to give an answer, out of our hand and out of your hands. You might get hit by a bus in a week, or you may get shot by a jealous husband when your turn 90.
And if, and certainly don't know, you weren't leading the healthiest of lifestyle, then do like I am doing, make some healthy changes in your life, so that you will love longer and healthier.
Glad you are here, hope we can help, we will all be pulling for you.
David in SC