Dear Infoneederxx:
I think James' advice makes good sense but I would add the following for your consideration:
Why don't you talk this plan over with your urologist? Or, if you don't have faith in him/her (which I think I sensed a bit from an earlier post of yours since he/she didn't consider prostatitis as a possible cause for the sudden jump), then maybe you could consider getting an opinion from another urologist before proceeding to biopsy.
My quandry would be: What decisions will you make depending on the April 1 PSA test? If you're back to the 1's, I guess forget the whole thing and move on with life. But, what if you are still in the 4's or higher? What if in the 3's? Should you consider a regimen of Cipro before moving to biopsy stage? Or, go ahead with the scheduled biopsy? These are issues best discussed with a doctor you trust, IMO.
Anyway, just some food for thought...