Well, Howdy and thanks guys!
Friday the sharp pains started and felt like someone had put the penis tip into a vise. I'm thinking a UTI or Bladder spasms,but the doc told me that the penis is aggravated by the catheter, and that's likely where the pain comes from. But I'm still taking my ditropan (bladder spasms) and bactrim. (anti-biotic)
I went to get the cystogram yesterday,and although the x-ray of the contrast is showing a small amount compared to two weeks ago,leaking from the backside of the bladder, now he wants to perform a cystocopy. which is inserting a camera up the penis to the bladder. I just asked if he thought something had gone wrong during the robotic surgery and he said because of my anatomy,and the kidneys being so close, he had to suture wider than normal areas,which he now tells me that going back into surgery, this time for a general, and not the robotic, but he also added that this would be the last option. I'm freaking out.
At first I'm worried about
them taking the catheter out,but now they are going to remove the catheter,put a camera up the pp, look around, then re-insert a bigger Foley. I already have the French 18 G.
Please,Please tell me when they shoot lidocaine up the urethra,to either insert camera or the new Foley...will I be in a lot of pain???? I'm thinking I should take something like vicodin or Lorazapam to try to relax me. I always thought things come out of the penis,NOT go in to it! I mentioned to the nurse that by standing up when taking the cath out,gravity hels it,but she told me I will be laying down....does the standing up really work?
I would have liked to think I have respect and admiration to an attentive Urologist,but if I need to have general surgery,that would just suck, and then I'm thinking that I am being used for medical practice, or something terrible happened during surgery.
Three surgeries since 2006...One general (midline incision) and two robotics,and now suggesting maybe another general. I'm not a vain person, but I would hate to think with all this scar tissue, what my stomach will look like in the future.
I am hoping this will heal by itself.
Post Edited (unhappycramper) : 2/19/2009 4:40:31 PM (GMT-7)