Sought 2nd opinion from what turned out to be a much more savvy and informative urologist this week. Suggested that my numbers were of deep concern and when prodded offered that my odds of cure were less than 50%.(not a surprise). Suggested that my cancer was uncommonly aggressive and would start with
open, wide on both sides, non nerve sparing surgery as soon as possible probably followed by some sort of radiation protocol after some continence returned if indicated by detectable PSA. After checking in to set up an appt for surgery the following day I found that the earliest date available was 5 weeks from now.
I have two issues where I'm sorely needing advice.
!. Given my profile and this guy's initial advice should I wait this long or continue my search and listen to my gut feeling that time is critical and even perhaps seek input from an oncological direction. It's just so hard to trust the vendor with an issue this critical.
2. Anyone experiencing blood in semen 4 weeks after biopsy or am I perhaps looking at evidence of more extracapsular advancement.
Thanks for any advice ...
PSA 11/11/08 8.04 (previous PSA was 2.5 11/11/05 )
Biopsy 01/23/09
DX 1/28/09 12 cores positive 9 cores 4+3=7 2 cores 3+4=7 1 core 4+4=8
9 cores suggest perineural invasion
Scans 1/26/09
Bone/Pelvic/Abdominal All clear
Post edited to add a subject line ~ TC-LasVegas
Post Edited By Moderator (TC-LasVegas) : 2/28/2009 1:42:24 PM (GMT-7)