Wow ! that was quick, just posted my first blog, and already had 3 replies, thanks to you all much appreciated. Best I tell a bit about my self I guess, age 50 yrs, Dx 11/11/08, 6 out of 8 cores positive 3 X 60% and 3 X 10%, PSA 4, Gleason 3+4=7. Robotic Surgery 24/12/08, results Gleason Upgrade 4+3=7, 3 foci total volume 0.98cm3, Neg Margins (focal involvement)
Neg Nodes all clear, catherta removed 7 days after surgery, basically dry within a week. Started ED med 6 weeks ago, 5ml cialis daily, 20ml cialis every coulpe of weeks, but no response yet, am hoping for something to happen soon. Surgeon told me that my prostate gland was very small (25cc) so I have tried to convert my tumor size (0.98cm3) into cc's and
I think it works out to be less than 5% volume, which is pretty good I think. Not sure exactly what "focal involvement" means. Pathology report say's "carinoma focally involves the right posterior surgical margin of excision within the prostatic capsule over a length of 0.55mm"
I think this means that the tumor came very close to the edge of the capsule, but did not actual break through to form a positive margin !
PSA 8 weeks after surgery came back as 0.03, I was hoping for less, but maybe it will go down with time !
I intend to keep positive and keep getting better every day !
Cheers All