geezer99 said...
Unless you also built your own Da Vinci robot, I wouldn't take on building medical equipment.
I'm already looking at making my own pump. I have a very expensive high end automotive vacuum pump tester that has an integral gauge and check valve. How hard can it be to come up with a clear tube and a seal for the base? I'll look around teh house for some closed cell foam. As long as I keep the pressure below a certain value (I don't know what the commercial units use.) I should be ok. The laws of Physics are immutable. Negative pressure is negative pressure whether it be from a low capacity plastic device that the medical profession sells for $400, or if it is a high capacity metal engineering grade pump for $300. As far as I can tell the engineering type pump has enough capacity to suck the chrome off a bumper so I would have to be careful. Wouldn't want to rip willie out of his socket just after surgery.
By the way, I have no intention of doing anything about
this issue for at least another 2 weeks. My bad day yesterday was caused by a combination of things that led up to a perfect storm. Extremely stressful conditions for those few hours; the IV dye and the bladder dye for the leak test, plus drinking tons of water to clear my system, all contributed.
I will look up the other links about
the clamp and see if it makes sense for me. I'll wait as long as I can before doing anything rash.