Amy. I too am advanced. Stage 4. 45 years old.Look at my signature. It aint pretty.
Pau d' arco. 500mg caplets. It wont hurt. It will not interfere with any other treatment. I am here after 38 months when at the time of dx my psa was 3216.11. It is now 0.05. My lung bone and lymph node mets are gone. My only other treatment was ht. I take ten caplets a day. They cost 20 bucks for a thousand of them plus 20 bucks shipping. if you buy 2000 of them they waive the shipping. To me its a no brainer. I was givien 6-12 months. It has been 38. I can not promice it will work but it's only 40 bucks and it just may work. Todd