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After pads... then what?
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Regular Member
Joined : Jan 2009
Posts : 62
Posted 10/10/2009 8:16 PM (GMT -5)
I've been on pads since my surgery, using less and less and smaller and smaller. I migrated down from Depends undergarment, to Depends Male Guards and then to the lightest woman's pad cut in half. I consider myself continent but do suffer from a bit of "stress incontinence" and will drip a drop now and then so I can't do without some kind of barrier. However, I've pretty much reached the end of my dignity dealing with pads, cutting, installing, changing, throwing them away, making sure to "align" with the pad and so on...
I found a better way, a more dignified way, of dealing with this small amount of drippage.
Standard looking men's briefs with a built in pad! I ordered 1 pair as an experiment, ordered to my size, but it turned out a bit smaller than what I expected. So I ended up ordering 9 of the next size up and am using these now. Love them. Pricey, but I feel 100% better about
the whole drip thing. YMMV.
This is a reputable outlet. They are a bit slow. The manufacturer is running full tilt and can't keep up with demand, but they will arrive after ordered.
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Posted 10/10/2009 10:01 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Dan,
Thanks for the tip. In the beginning I used more than 12 super absorbent pads per day, then on to the Afex incontinence system. I'm presently like you where I need less than a pad per day. I often can go all day without protection but if I get involved in a lot of activity I just can't quite make it.
I'll definitely check this out.
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Posted 10/11/2009 6:22 AM (GMT -5)
Bob, I had a recent "pad" experience. I was working outside with my B-I-L helping to build a deck. Lot of moving and lifting and drinking water. We had to run to the H/W store to pick up some more lag bolts. On the way back in the car, I looked down and had a 2" wet spot on my shorts. I wasn't "aligned" with the pad and had a small leak. Never felt it. With these new briefs it would have never happened.
Worried Guy
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Posted 10/11/2009 7:18 AM (GMT -5)
Hey Dan,
OK You got my attention with this one. I'm an engineer and need the data. This is from an earlier post. Can you give me an estimate of where they fit the attached Pee scale?
"Here are some real numbers measured on a Mettler Laboratory balance. These are more useful than the unscientific labels stuck on the packages.
I'll give you two numbers. The first is the maximum safe value, the second is when leakage starts. Your mileage my vary.
* Depend Underwear for Men Super Plus, Size S/M: 450 ml.....600 ml
* Depend Boost insert:... 200 ml (must be worn with above)
* Depend Men's Guard:.. 150 ml.... 175 ml
* Tena pads for men:..... 140 ml.... 150 ml
* CVS Protect. pad Max:. 160 ml.... 175 ml
* Options by Assurance:.. 90 ml..... x
* Carefree mini pads:...... 15 ml.... 20 ml
I ran experiments with pads inside diapers so I could see when they leaked without messing my pants. You can't run it to the limit if you are wearing them just inside your regular underwear."
The specs provided by many of the products are often misleading. They put the pad flat on a table and soak it evenly. That is not how it is used. I placed the pad in my underwear so that my "outlet" was about
1/4 -1/3 of the way down from the top. Leakage occurred mostly at the bottom. Some pads were dry on the top but soaked at the bottom - clearly not enough capillary action.
I like the concept of an integrated unit. Thanks for pointing it out.
(Edit: Can you tell me where they are made? I found Prime Life Fibers in Durham NC but see that they import a lot of stuff from China.)
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Posted 10/11/2009 8:04 AM (GMT -5)
Jeff, these are made in Honduras. Good to spread our money around and not concentrate it in China.
I can't put these on your pee scale. The vendor makes two varieties, regular and super plus:
For light to moderate incontinence (Absorbs approximately 4 ounces to 6 ounces of fluid.)
Super Plus:
For moderate incontinence (Absorbs approximately 8 ounces to 10 ounces of fluid.)
I bought the Regular. Last time I weighed my "pads" I was only 0-5 grams of weight gain daily so felt the regular brief would work for me.
Worried Guy
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Posted 10/11/2009 8:29 AM (GMT -5)
You're my kind of guy. You weighed your pads. I did that with my diapers "boosted" with guards. If the weight was the same before and after use, i.e. within 1 gram I figured I would reuse it. My scale will measure 0.01 g so I am pretty sure of my numbers. It is so sensitive I can even watch the water evaporating from a warm pad. (Please don't tell my wife. We keep the Mettler in the kitchen.)
I'll definitely keep these in mind and will run performance studies when I get my hands (and other bits) on one.
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Posted 10/11/2009 1:53 PM (GMT -5)
Thanks for the info Dan. I may look into getting a few to try.
Ed C. (Old67)
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Posted 10/11/2009 7:46 PM (GMT -5)
Thanks for the info. Even though I consider myself to be continent (99%), I still have one or 2 drops on the days that I play golf. I bought the lightest women liners to use on those days. The problem for me is that the liners are very narrow and my guy seems to move around and miss the it.
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Posted 10/11/2009 8:00 PM (GMT -5)
Ed C., yup, I was mortified when I missed the pad on a weekend. I thought, my God, what would I do if this was at work. LOL! I think these permanently padded briefs are just the ticket.
Worried Guy
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Posted 10/12/2009 12:04 PM (GMT -5)
As I was changing my pad this morning I thought of a difference between the disposables and the built-in type.
The Depend Guards are treated with some kind of odor protection. I don't know what it is but I do know it works. Urine in a wash cloth is much more pungent than a pad. Maybe that is insignificant when you only leak 5 ml per day. (Lucky guy) I don't know. I leak that in 5 minutes.
I'm going to wait and see how you guys make out before placing an order so please update this thread after you road test them. Thanks!
Regular Member
Joined : Jan 2009
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Posted 10/12/2009 4:49 PM (GMT -5)
Jeff, these reusables wouldn't be a good match for you, then. Good luck.
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