I had the Coloplast Virtue sling installed 1/2014 and have regretted it ever since. Severe scrotal pain. Incontenence has been worse since. The little sexual performance I had had is now just past memories. A complete disater and disapointment. I'm at a crossroads I don't know what to do. Physical thereapy has helped tha pain some but every time I stand or sit down to urinate in the bathroom, cross my legs, or get in or out the car I'm reminded that I've got a faulty piece of equipment installed im my crotch for the rest of my life and at 55 I'm going to be reminded a lot.
The only piece of advise for urinary leakage is to go to get a penis clip known as a "peepeestop" It's the only thing
that makes my life with urninary incontenance tolerable. I'll try and find the website. email me at
<removed email address> to inquire.
Gary, I removed your email address so you won't get tons of spam. If you edit your profile to make your email address visible then other members can send you email but web bots and spiders can't. -- PeterDisAbelardPost Edited By Moderator (PeterDisAbelard.) : 11/21/2014 10:03:45 AM (GMT-7)