A lot of the posts in this thread are about what we need to know to help our bodies manage with all this stuff.
But having, once more, gone into the kitchen and then forgotten why I was there, I think we mustn't forget about the tricks that PCa plays on your mind due to our brains being so busy thinking about Cancer, treatments and side-effects.
I don't mean nasty mental issues, but just the annoying ones such as:
Going upstairs and not remembering why.
Putting ice cream in the refrgerator instead of the freezer. (or Juice in your coffee insated of milk, or starting to make breakfast at lunch time.)
Picking up the phone and then forgetting the number of the person you were going to ring and then when you do get through you find you've forgotten their wife's name.
Making a coffee and forgetting to drink it.
Calling you daughter by your wife's name and vice versa.
Wandering around a store with absolutely no idea what it was you went there to buy or look at. And even when you make a list forgetting to get the stuff on the list.
No knowing what day of the week it is.
Going to the forum and forgetting what you wanted to look at.
Writing this list and forgetting what else it was you wanted to mention
Oh and by the way fellows this is the point at which you respond and tell me that it's happened to you too and that I'm not going nuts.