Posted 2/13/2010 12:03 PM (GMT -5)
Jerry, I go back for my 2nd post SRT PSA reading early in April, so it is coming up soon. This is a very nervous moment for me, as my radiation oncologist was not happen at my first reading after the radiation ended, it was at .12. This next one needs to show any kind of downward movement, even if just by a couple of hundreths, anything to indicate success.
As I went through what turned out to be a radiation ordeal for me, that's all that kept me going, is, if this works, then going through all this will be worth it. If I had believed that it was all in vain, based on my previous radiation experience, I would have never subejcted myself to this treatment this time. So I am still hoping, that it's going to eradicate the rest of the beast. This was my last curative shot, and its my intention to let it run it course if this does fail. Not interested in going the HT route or chemical routes in the future, I have dealt enough with quality of life and pain issues as it is. That's a decision each man ultimately makes for himself if he is put in that position. We all value things differently in life.
As far as your fatigue goes, yes, I would expect it to get a bit worse before its over with, but it should be bearable for you. So what if you don't get certain things done. You are 14 years older than me, and I think you have done a marvelous job with your own PC journey, wish I had your energy level, lol, and I am only 57.
The other advice my radiation oncologist gave me ,was to eat whatever I felt like eating during the radiation weeks, to build some reserve strength when needed. I craved protein big time when I went through it, but my dr. said that was a normal thing under the circumstances.
While we have many men here that claim not to have any effects from radiation treatments or bad side effects, and I am truly happy for them, radiation does hell on the human body. It weakens your immune system big time, and while the radiation is killing off cancer cells hopefully, its killing off good cells as well, and the body is fighting to rebuild them as you maintain your day to day living.
I will be very personally glad when you have had your last treatment. You will still have to deal with fatigue and side effects for a period after, but at least they wont be pumping any more radiation into your body. Good luck, my friend.
David in SC