Posted 4/19/2010 9:14 AM (GMT -5)
You started out this thread by asking for advice, but right from the start, it sounds to me that you have your mind made up 100% against any type of salvage radiation treatment. If that is the case, then so be it, its your choice anyway, and your body, and your cancer.
Some doctors would feel that taking the HT now, without the SRT, since you have had reccurance after surgery, is just "masking" your situation, and the longer that you choose not to have SRT, the less likely it would help you.
Understand again, it is your last curative chance, doesn't matter if those chances are 10% or 30%, it is something to hope upon. You are talking to a guy that abosutely , positiviely did not want to have radiation, either as a primary or secondary treatment, no matter what. From the day of my PC dx, I felt that way and let my dr know.
But after my surgery ,and all the complications I have endured, when I did have recurrance, as much as I hated the idea (based on a terrible experience 10 years ago with radiation treatments for other cancer), my logic told me, that at age 57, that SRT was my only chance of possibly stopping the cancer.
I knew it was a long shot for me too, with know PSA velocity issues both pre-surgery and post. Just recently, on my second reading post-SRT, I got what I thought I would never see, a zero, a .04 reading. Know I know that might not always stay that way, but it has given me hope, and yes, for me, radiation for a hellish experience even this time, but if it got the cancer, then its worth the pain.
There's never any point in asking for advice, if your mind really isn't open for suggestion. I wish you luck either way, but make sure you aren't painting yourself into a corner. More than one guy here, myseslf included, has had to reverse their thinking along a troublesome PC journey path.
David in SC