My question might be a little premature for me but my reason for asking is related to financial costs. My insurance plan renews in a few weeks & I pay the entire costs myself. By getting some idea of how often Lupron is administered I can determine if it is cheaper for me to continue with my present plan where I pay 50% of the costs of prescript
ions or change my drug plan to where I would pay a $25 copay for drugs. The change in plan would cost me an additional $140 a month in premiums. Currently, I do not take any prescript
ion drugs. for that reason, if lupron is less than $300 a month, I am better off staying with my present plan. Also, does taking Lupron or getting radiaiton require other drugs?
I am being a little premature in anticipating this development but am doing it due to the insurance renewal anniversary date. My surgery was done in October of 2009. As you can see in my signature, my margins were negative and my Gleason was 3+4. My first PSA at 6 weeks was undetectable but my second PSA at 6 months was .1.
The surgeon said that scar damage to my prostate from 4 biopsies made it very difficult to peel my prostate from my rectal wall & that the PSA could be coming from benign tissue left behind since my margins were clear. My surgeon says that if my PSA goes up to .3 I will need radiation. Since I have had a lot of incontinence problems, my surgeon would delay radiation until I have had a year of recovery from surgery to maximize the time for improvemnt of continence as he says radiation will halt any improvement in continence. For that reason he will prescribe Lupron to hold cancer growth in check till then. That is the reason for asking how often Lupron is administered.
I also want to hear any thoughts about whether or not I should even go on hormones until radiation is given & if there is any scientific evidence that says I need to go the radiation route at .3 PSA since the PSA could be from benign prostate tissue left behind. Also, are there any hormones with better effectiveness & less side effects than Lupron? Thanks in advance!