Goodlife I respect you alot me amigo and you are an objective guy and analytical, let me say this on my own case I have plenty of reasons to know and confirm why that first doc was totally incorrect on his opinions and was a sales pitch method. I might as well list some of them so others can maybe understand this more clearly:
1) this 1st surgeon wrote curative on paper and handed it to me (how weird is that?) and tells me 1% chance of incontinence based upon his patient population of his (sounds nice), this fails my street smarts smell test (LOL) yes this is unscientific but noteable experience.
2) Dr. Menon said no way for surgery (a couple days later, his opinion)-1st LRRP doc in USA
3) I got in total 8 opinions, urologists, radiologists, oncologists (nobody else believed cureable)
4) Partin tables and nomograms say little if any chance for curative surgery or any protocol
5) I have never seen any patients(and looked on internet alot back in 2002), anywhere with similar stats, that would even say at 5 yrs. out of surgery, with even looking cured (stats equal to mine)
6) if you considered my stats closely, I doubt you could find anyone appearing cured, thus I had to choose a different route and actually later became pleased that Dr. Menon was candid enough to tell me no way,.
7) looking at the treatments I have taken...I am not cured..and they are pretty significant therapies, not a light duty set of protocols, that helps confirm it was beyond the gland and pelvic areas of which some of my radiations did work on (kind of like SRT built into my primary radiations) and was part of my radiologist plan, along with highest dosages (I agreed and signed off on such) and most potent combination radiation you could get (neutron and then photon sessions). (neutron is written about in Dr. Strums book, it is a rarer protocol)
8) my whole gland was PCa- 12/12 biopsies all with PCa at 75-95% levels found in all of them (How many patients do you see on this forum with 12/12 and all are loaded with PCa????), total urinary blockage and in emergency room (caused by PCa, not bph), gland size was normal(ultrasound measurements).
Gleason scores 7,8,9's, two sets like that, almost identical parameters within those pathological findings and bPsa level at 46.6 (scans did appear clear-no guarantee anyway).
9) per Bolla study protocol did ADT3 combo drugs (5-6 months) then did radiations, total of 2 yrs. on ADT2-3 drugs, decided to switch to DES only (had 8 mini consecutive rises on ADT3, PSA tests I got done monthly...seems to confirm ADT3 is failing and looking refractive at early stage), have had excellent results for the last 5 yrs. in stablizing and lowering psa level with about no side effects. I continue to look at anything on PCa as this beast is totally unpredictable as you can see by various patient histories. Currently will not switch drug I am doing, the results are there so don't mess with it and quality of life is excellent especially when compared to ADT3 (that is far from a picnic).
10) in trying to compare my scenario to anyone else found with total urinary blockage from PCa, the few I found diagnosed as such...did not live very long...that put enough fear into me to seek alot of opinions and scenario seemed to be how long can you survive as opposed to any cure possibilities. So I really don't second guess this 1st doc, but others can judge as you wish and I have no problem with that.
11) you can also see many patients failing curative surgery with hugely lower stats and without urinary blockage caused by PCa, without 12/12 (100% of biopsies found with PCa), and other high risk factors I had at diagnosis, what would that infer on my curative scenario? I have to be happy to be around this long....and I am...and it blows my mind to some degree too. My brothers uro doc heard my stats and told him I would be lucky to be still around 2 yrs. later, glad he was less than a real expert apparently. So yes....'It is what is'.
(sorry this was the long version to make a point, but accumulatively seems to add up)
Only one doctor of out 8, I consulted with thought that there was a chance for cure scenario. I think I will side with experience and people with case history knowledge.