A taxing, but useful morning.
Due to overbooking, had to go to uro/surgeon's office in G-Ville instead of right by my house, so my wife drove, and every bump still a killer. Being in a car still makes me nervous, as my head still does not filled cleared out right after major surgery. Today was day 13 post surgery.
My fellow was in surgery all day, so saw his very capable Nurse Pract. Bad news - still cant drive for at least 2/3 weeks, which is ok with me.
Good news - incisions all look good, color looked good, stoma looked good. Good news - after months of being denied the use of Advil, can now use Advil as needed in between the loratab. Doc was too concerned before about all the bleeding when I had the caths in place. The Advil works better on the swelling than the pain meds do.
Next, sent to another office, where one of their nurses and my wife (nurse) worked together to remove all the incision staples. They took 4-5 off at a time, and then put sterie strips inplace. They made a great team. Took about 20 mins to carefully do that, and they both counted 38 staples, more than first thought.
Other good news - in the past 20 days, have lost exactly 20 lbs. They said I may lose another 10-20. Fill up on good proteins was the order of the day.
I see my uro in 2 weeks locally for the next valuation.
I am home, alone at the moment, but in less pain than this morning. Recovery has been re-caclulated to be from 6-12 weeks, instead of 6-8, mostly because of all I have been through.
As a bonus, I found out, when they cut my intestines to make t he new tube, they automatically take out your appendix if you still had one, to prevent future problems and infection. So mine is history.
Resting as needed.
David in SC