<she was just getting over Strep. Could she have caused this spike in the PSA?>
Were are a bit OT for this thread .. You will likely find many treads on this subject..
But - to your question -- From what I know - Absolutely no way !
PSA - Prostate SPECIFIC Antigen (Check other threads), results from Prostate cells being 'angry' - you might say..
What may have been warranted, would be to wait a few weeks and just get another PSA, but ensuring that there is no
for two days minimum.
Naturally - ejaculation "Excites" the Prostate and can (will) raise the PSA.
Inspite of a possible repeat PSA of say 3, you would want to start looking more closely at your situation.
A jump like you have seen, would warrant close watching
The trip to the Urologist would still be reassuring but there are some who think that unnecessary Biopsies can be hazardous, in themselves.
Moderate all choices with past family experience with PC.. If you have PC in the line, act sooner than later.
Have a look at some of the threads at the top of the pile.. and use the(Google) SEARCH facility on the top line.
PSA values for each age group: (I think these are still current)
1.7 +/- 1.1 ng/ml for 40–49 years
2.0 +/- 1.2 ng/ml for 50–59 years
2.9 +/- 1.7 ng/ml for 60–69 years
3.5 +/- 2.0 ng/ml for 70–79 years
You can find the report here: http://www.springerlink.com/content/b7p26t840570q0x5/
Whatever - just understand that whilst it's YOU, that is being trialed and tested, there are a great many of us out here, and early detection of a problem can be a true 'Life-Saver'.. .... I hope that it saved MY life as it did, my Brother.
At age 60, I had NO indication of a problem, and the finger was negative, and an ultrasound (Bx) showed nothing,, BUT - viralent cancer was there.
PS - Don't respond - You could start a new thread if you seek more comment