I had an interview today with a reknowned ED here in NYC. He asked me an interesting question. "Do you think the PCa surgeons really like to treat the ED issues that come up after surgery? Or do you think they would rather pass them off?" My first reaction was that most would rather someone else take over the ED so they could concentrate on PCa issues. I had to think about
my experience for a minute. I told him, that in my case, I had sort of put my faith in the doc who kept telling me to wait. It wasn't until some months had passed when i realized i was probably not getting the ED care i needed.
If an ED specialist offered his care after your surgery, would you have responded? It would not be leaving your surgeon at all. Just penile rehab and ED issues are with an ED specialist.
As you know, the vast majority of PCa surgeons are NOT great ED docs (yes, there are exceptions, but we're talking generalities). A complete program of penile rehab would help many men.
How do we get men to make the move and get an ED specialist after surgery? What would hold them back from this decision? How could you have heard this message so that you would have responded?