Some men claim that they have achieved a full recovery within weeks after surgery; others say that it took them 18 to 24 months before they had a full recovery. Others say that they have a good enough recovery that with the aid of the ED pills they have a fully successful erection.
For me, I tried every option available (i.e.: pills, pump, shots, etc…) and finally ended up getting a penile implant which ended up being the best choice for me. I am letting you know this because I want you to know that regardless of which type of recovery you end up with, there is usually a treatment out there that will allow you to have a near normal sex life going forward.
If things end up being like they were for me, where you do end up with ED and all the other options available are not a successful option for you, there is still hope.
With a penile implant I now can function like when I was a much younger man. I can perform whenever I chose, wherever I want and as often as I wish. I don’t have to worry about filling a prescription or taking a pill and waiting for it to take effect. I don’t have to detract from an impromptu moment by having to take along my equipment or getting it out and getting pumped up before hand (and dealing with a truly abnormal feeling erection). In order to react to the moment, I no longer have to go to the refrigerator to get my meds and needles, prepare the shot, making the injection and then waiting for things to work. Within a minute or so, I can have a full erection anytime I wish. For me, it is like I have regained my manhood.
My wife of 37 years used to call me “Ever Ready Ted”. Now I am living up to her expectations!!
I wish you the best as you move forward with your recovery and hope that you have the best of results regardless of which method works for you..