For 3 months now, I have been experiencing increasing deep pains in my inner right hip area. When I had a full bone scan done two years ago, prior to prostate surgery, only thing that showed up below, was what I expected, some hot spots from some arthritis in both knees. I have had that for years, and know what it feels like when I bend down, or if I am in a lot of damp cold weather. The pain in my hip started out mildly, and over that period of time, is increasing on a regular basis. It's now a sharp burning pain. Gets worse as the day goes on, the more I stand on my feet or walk. Ive been killing the pain when it gets bad with Advil, but been tempted at times to use some of the stock of Loratabs I still have but never use.
Like many PC guys, I wonder if this could be an early sign of some met going on. I had quick BCR after surgery, 9 months or less, and then had the troublesome SRT. My first reading, knocked the PSA down 25%, the 2nd one, knocked it down another 300%, but the third reading, the PSA went up 50%. I didnt take the 4th one, as you know, I have put it off till Feb, which will make it a full six months.
I use to think that you couldnt' get or feel any mets with low numbers, but our own Sonny has already disproven that theory, with the met he has already experienced post surgery and post SRT. Its not uncommon for a PC met to start in the inner hip area, as its located next to the prostate bed. Though most of my reported cancer was on the left side, due to complications, they couldn't get into the right side as they wanted to, thus why I still have function nerves on that side.
I am wondering if what I am feeling is early signs of met pain in the inner right hip. I have had no injury ever to the area, past or present, and my most recent surgery (Sept) had no connection to the area whatsoever.
I thought of getting a scan, but not sure what it would prove, or even what kind of scan to ask for. Probably will just wait till Feb. 28 when I get the next PSA test done, and if it is still hurting or getting worse, will say something to the doctor.
Not looking for a new problem, just hoping there isn't one going on inside.
David in SC