Hi, Tigre
Welcome to the site, though sorry you have to be here.
It would be helpful if you could post more about
your post-surgical path report, margin status, seminal vesicles, capsule confined, and staging, etc. It is unusual to have PSA rising so soon after RP for a gleason 3+3. But not impossible.
Did you have your diagnosis and RP/RT done at a major cancer center? If not, (and perhaps even if so) I'd recommend getting a second opinion. You can have the pathology work reviewed by one of the top labs and see if you really have a 3+3 and not something more aggressive.
But at this point if I understand your post correctly, you have already had the RP and RT so you are in a position of watching the PSA and deciding what to do if/when it rises.
The odds of success of salvage RT are complex to figure and I think the projections would certainly depend on factors such as doubling time, gleason, PSA levels, and not be a single number. IF you want to research the literature on this (it's complicated) you can go search on pubmed.com. You might find something useful here:
www.mskcc.org/applications/nomograms/prostate/. Good luck.