On September 8, 2010, I had RRP at Cleveland Clinic, by 12/1/2010 my PSA had fallen to undetectable, and had started around 33.0 before surgery. Even with that, the Onc surgeon recommended I have RT of bed and pelvis without HT. Because of the long drive to Cleveland I elected to have it done in Erie. The Radiation Onc. In Erie, recommended HT along with RT because of lymph node involvement. After checking with surgeon at Clinic I declined to have HT at this time. The Rad Onc. In Erie has had an MRI of Pelvis, Colonoscopy, and PET Scan done in Erie. The PET also included simulation. They found something questionable at the bladder neck, but the radiologist who read the scan felt it was only inflammation. The Rad. Onc. Also read the PET and now wants to do a Prostascint Scan. Which will delay RT for another week. For those not familiar, the test takes four days, one day to inject nuclear dye, come back in four days for scan. The scan is PC specific and University of Google (OUG) says, “If prostate cancer cells have invaded lymph nodes in the pelvis or elsewhere in the body, then the antibodies typically will find them and bind to them… It is also important to note that not all hospitals offer the Prostascint scan and not all doctors that treat prostate cancer believe that the test is that useful or reliable.”
My question is threefold: does anyone know about a Prostascint scan; would my PSA be elevated if the PC had spread; how much is another weeks delay going to hurt?
At this point I feel that the Rad. Onc. feels offended because I am not taking his advice re: HT, and I am going with RT only. It seems as if he wants to scour my body till he finds that PC cell that will prove him right. Even though it may not be there.
I may be just a little paranoid, or maybe it is the late hour, but there are a few other remarks the Rad. Onc. in Erie has made that make me feel uncomfortable. We do have a good insurance plan, and he did remark that “Prostate Cancer is a disease, but it is also a business.”
As of January 21 my PSA was still undetectable.