Posted 3/13/2011 4:10 PM (GMT -5)
Hitting my 10,000 th post here at Healing Well is astounding to me as well. When I joined here in October, 2008, I was new to the entire forum concept. Not a normal thing for me to be involved with any on-line community, except for hiding in the shadows gleaning info on any variety of subjects. There was never any plan to reach a certain point or certain number. I have taken a few breaks from here, but can’t stay away, because new brothers find their way here on a regular basis, and I don’t have it in me to turn my back to them.
I would have never guessed in advance that it would have turned into such an epic adventure. Some may argue the point, but I am most comfortable communicating by writing. Been that way since I was editor of my school’s first newspaper at age 6 back in 1958. I was editor of a monthly religious magazine for 5 years, and have had 2 novels published, and hopefully a third one later this year. I also have countless business and technical papers under my belt.
But I want this posting milestone to be dedicated, not to me, but to the following:
To Peter, whom I am constantly thankful that he created HW and developed it over the years, I can honestly say, it’s the best of the best, and has contributed in many meaningful ways to my Prostate Cancer journey. When my ship comes in, Peter, I plan to help you out in a monetary way to help keep HW going.
To our moderators, we give you guys so much sh** sometimes, but you keep on keeping on, trying to be fair and even handed, despite our best efforts at times to stir things up. I admire each of you, not only is it an unpaid gig, but a thankless one much of the time, and as the saying goes, you can’t please everyone all of the time.
To the women of HW Prostate Cancer, love having each and every one of you, you add that special touch that only a woman can to a group of grumbling men, with or without T-levels. You all make me thankful to the women in my own life.
To each and every brother, past – present – and future, that passes through the portals here. How many of us came here the same way? Freshly diagnosed, scared, overwhelmed with choices about things we knew nothing about in advance, and feeling alone with this terrible cancer now in our bodies. I know I did, and that’s I broke my normal non-socializing position, got brave, and joined here. We each have our strengths and weaknesses here, our good and bad point – but again, we are all human, and together, the power and strength is in sharing what we have learned and what we know, and what we have experienced.
To the diversity here of men: we have a good mix, from around the world friends, straight and gay, some vets – some not, young ( which adds an extra “suck” factor to PC) all the way up to our elderly brethren. So many diverse occupational backgrounds, makes it all interesting. And there are fusses and feuds at times, but kind of hard not to help, with what we go through: pain, anxiety, suffering, fear, set-backs. We can’t all feel good at the same time on the same day, and in a virtual world, we can’t see the hurt on someone’s face, or even tell if someone is joking or being serious, so we communicate the best we can.
To the doctors, the researchers, the caregivers, our hospitals and clinics, and for the hope that one day, perhaps not in any of our current life times, that there will be better and less invasive treatment options, better ways to deal with the beast PC.
And finally, to the brothers that die each and every day from this horrid malady, to their loved ones. We know that each and every one of you that didn’t make it still fought a tough and courageous battle along the way and perhaps one day, a cure can be found.
I dedicate this 10,000 th post, to all of us that fight every single day trying to tame, cure, out think, wrestle, and struggle to overcome this cancer that truly unites us into a special brother hood.
May we all make it, and be rid of this cancer.
David in South Carolina Post Edited (Purgatory) : 3/13/2011 3:57:09 PM (GMT-6)